Navlok has an Information and Training Center for skill development as per the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY). It includes different types of traing on the proffession of the person like:- Farming, Computer, Cooking, Handicraft, pottery, etc.

The farmers are greeatly benefitted by this. They are trained about the latest agricultural types, the tools needed for it, types of irrigation and information on use of fertilisers. The farmers are making 13% more profit after they take the training.

The people are being trained by I.T specialist to make them capable of using the latest technology without any plights. The middle aged people of Navlok have started to do smart work insted of hardwork. The youth of Navlok who are not properly educated can come here and take the free training and can get a good job.

The women of Navlok come to the training center for learning different types of dishes and cuisines from around the world. The traing center is working towards bringing chefs from different countries to make them learn.

The training center in Navlok also trains handicraftsmen. They train the people to use different kinds of materials to make the most beautifull handicrafts in the lowest cost. The handicraftsmen nower days also use steel to make different kinds of handicrafts,they also use wood and bamboo.

The training center trains the potters to use different types of clays to make different kinds of pots and vases. The potters are adopting the modern tools.